BGMC is the missions education program for all kids in the Assemblies of God. BGMC stands for "Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge." Kids are challenged to help our missionaries, challenged to sacrificially give to missions, challenged to help the needy in the world, challenged to pray for missionaries, challenged to pray for various people groups, challenged to love and accept people of all races, challenged to reach the lost, and challenged to keep their hearts open to the call of God for full-time missions. The money raised through BGMC is used to provide our missionaries with the supplies they need to reach people around the world. BGMC equips kids to know, to care, to pray, to give, and to reach the lost.

BGMC Sunday

On the first Sunday of each month, we present the K-5th grade kids with a lesson about the culture as well as the needs of another country. We show them how God is moving all around the world, and how we can pray for these countries.

We encourage the kids to fill up their Buddy Barrels with offering and bring it in for BGMC. Their offering goes directly to BGMC. BGMC sends it to where the need is the greatest, where the timing is the most urgent, and where people's lives can be changed forever.

BGMC has a two-fold purpose:

  1. To reach the children of the world.

  2. To create a heart of compassion in kids.

BGMC exists to serve the church in preparing kids for their fullest participation in world evangelization. As a children's missions education agency of the Assemblies of God, BGMC is committed to beginning the processes of missions awareness, missions concern, and missions stewardship in each young life and to introducing kids at the earliest possible age to Christ's Great Commission.